Life lessons: Be selfish

Do you for a change

Yea I know it sounds some how when you see the topic for today—Be selfish. Lots of questions running through your mind, like is it not bad to be selfish? Is there a mistake somewhere? And stuffs like that, but trust me you heard me right, no mistake there, yep.

Do you for a change! Take care of yourself, be selfish. You have spent your time, resources, energy taking care of family, friends, colleagues and all, neglecting yourself. So yes, it’s time for you to do what makes you happy, you only live once.

Give yourself a treat, because you deserve it. So yes be selfish for once.

P.S I love you.

Published by adeyemiadeitan

Hi there! I'm Adekitan Adeyemi, a Content Writer & Brand Specialist.

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