
I recently read a news about a young man who killed himself just because he had a set back in his academics, and it got me thinking, why will someone decide to kill their selves?. Suicide is never an option no matter the situation or circumstance.

You don’t get to kill yourself, as a matter of fact that’s selfishness on anyone’s part. I know we all have our moments when you feel that you can’t go on again, but giving up is never an option.

Life is beautiful, it may not look like it now, but push just a little more, don’t ever lose hope, you matter, suicide is not the answer.

If you are feeling depressed please speak out, reach out to the right people that can help, if you need to change your environment please do, just don’t let go.

P.S I love you and you matter.

Published by adeyemiadeitan

Hi there! I'm Adekitan Adeyemi, a Content Writer & Brand Specialist.

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